Speaker Details

Speakers 2

Kurnia Siregar, PCC and Ina Rizqie Amalia, MCC

Biography : Kurnia Siregar, PCC: Co- founder and President Director of Loop Institute of Coaching with more than 15 years experience in organization development though coaching, consulting and training. Executive and Corporate Coach, ICF PCC Credential. Ina Rizqie Amalia, MCC - Co-Founder and Program Director Loop Institute of Coaching. Executive and Corporate Coach. ICF MCC Credential.

Topic : Building Coaching Culture Through Meaningful Conversation

Description : Building a coaching culture involves everyone in organization to interact and behave with a coaching mindset and coaching approach and it becomes a key part of the company’s identity. A coaching culture creates a climate where people can freely express their thinking, ideas and listen to other’s, give and receive feedback with open mind, challenge positively and engage in impactful development conversations. It starts by engaging meaningful conversation..

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